Contact Details
Level 10 Commercial Tower
36 Marine Parade
Southport QLD 4215
PO Box 3767 Australia Fair
Southport QLD 4215
Awareness is higher than ever on the economic and social impacts that mental wellbeing has on individuals and in turn on their performance at work. Well Work’s overarching expertise encompasses wellbeing in the workplace, with a focus on providing a positive company culture through facilitation of strong leadership, teambuilding, inclusiveness, mental health awareness and practical help. This also extends to external company strategies in forming productive customer relationships through marketing, sales care and service.
Leading from example is the cornerstone to being a successful manager. Strong leadership can lead to increased productivity by getting the best from your team, while at the same time fostering a supportive and collaborative culture.
Mental health in the workplace has been a hot topic over the past few years. Particularly as businesses have needed to adapt to challenges of maintaining business, let alone growth in some industries, during the pandemic, natural disasters and other key events...
Building a positive and collaborative team environment is vital to the success of any organisation. Working together towards common goals returns better results than when individuals work to their own agendas. Providing a workplace environment...
Improving sales results is a vital part of your business growth. Sales strategies and techniques need to be carefully planned and implemented to achieve the required return on investment allowing profitability in your business.
Coming up with a successful marketing plan can be a challenge in itself and in this era of digital communication it has become increasingly competitive. Marketing can become confusing with so many available avenues.
The Customer Service role can be broad, yet so vital. With challenges in staff resources, it’s important to maintain your commitment to customer satisfaction by delivering exceptional service.
High rates of stress related problems, absenteeism, staff turnover and low productivity costs businesses billions of dollars each year. This is not to mention the high personal cost on people’s emotional, physical and mental health.
Well Work provides a variety of facilitation options throughout Gold Coast and Brisbane to support your people and business. This encompasses training, workshops, consulting, counselling and presentations at conferences and seminars. Adaptable and flexible to your industry sector, offering services to SME, corporate, education, government departments, not-for-profit organisations and
a range of businesses in between.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call triple zero (000).
Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services.
Call 13 11 14, text on 0477 13 11 14 (12pm to midnight AEST) or chat online
Beyond Blue aims to increase awareness of depression and anxiety and reduce stigma.
Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours/7 days a week, chat online or email.
eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends.
Call 1800 650 890, 9am – 1am AEST / 7 days a week, chat online or email.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7 confidential and private counseling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 – 25.
Call 1800 55 1800.
DVConnect is committed to helping any person in Queensland who is experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence.
Call 1800 811 811, 24 hour Domestic Violence Helpline, or chat online
Griefline supports anyone experiencing grief, providing access to free telephone support. Call our helpline or book a Grief Support Call at a time that suits you.
Call 1300 845 745, Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, or book a call.
Level 10 Commercial Tower
36 Marine Parade
Southport QLD 4215
PO Box 3767 Australia Fair
Southport QLD 4215