Well Work - Marketing challenges for not for profits

Marketing challenges for not for profits

What is one of the biggest challenges you face in marketing your not for profit organisation? 

Limited resources for Not for Profit organisations

Most of the challenges I come across when working with NFP’s are financial resources, time and people – or lack thereof. Does this sound familiar?  Stretching resources in a not for profit can feel relentless as you fight for every dollar to manage projects with limited funding. Therefore, how can you promote your organisation in a competitive market with other charities competing for donations and the fundraising dollar? 

How to cut through and successfully promote your cause


It’s a case of knowledge = power. Knowing more that your competitors is half the battle. You have little time or money to get it right so spending money in targeted areas to get your key message out is vital. Remember that traditional marketing techniques can be just as effective as new trends. Sometimes getting back to basics can work just as well.  

Even marketing experts need to constantly keep up with changes, consumer habits, technologies and communication strategies that connect with customers. Finding ways to engage with the community and ask for support with no tangible reward can be even more testing. This is no mean feat and there is more to this art than meets the eye. 

Utilise limited resources more effectively through learning more about marketing techniques for not for profits and reach your mission and vision goals. Learning the core principles is the key to a successful marketing strategy. Empower yourself through knowledge. 

Top tips for Not for Profit Marketing:


  1. Plan your resources to meet your key objectives
  2. Stretch your marketing budget to get the best return on investment – test and measure results
  3. Utilise online platforms, ensuring you have engaging content 
  4. Create campaigns that make people really think and connect  
  5. Open your mind before you open your wallet!

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